We build green energy

Professional turnkey photovoltaic power plants

Quality and proven components with a 25-year warranty

Full service, including securing subsidies

Quality and proven photovoltaics

Ušetřete 130 900 Kč
nad rámec získané dotace

Original price of the photovoltaic power plant set:

499 900 Kč vč. DPH

Cena za kompletní dodávku setu na klíč o velikosti 10,12 kWp + baterie 12,8 kW

od 369 000 Kč vč. DPH

po odečtení dotace cena až 209 000 Kč (dotace může být až 160 000 Kč)

flexibilní panely

-20 000 Kč

pro prvních 100 zákazníků

Our latest projects

Jsme olomoucká firma, realizujeme však po celé čr

We build green energy

our products

fotovoltaické elektrárny


We will prepare an offer that will best suit your requirements and needs. 

Long service life and low maintenance cost
carporty fotovoltaika


The use of high-quality construction materials ensures a long service life and maintenance-free operation of the entire system. 

Maximum possible energy production
Creates shading in summer
Saves time and costs for snow removal


Charge your electric car with electricity from your own PV plant and make the most of its potential.

Ideal addition to PV plants
Lower price when installing with PV
Lower costs of running an electric car

We are SIMBA POWER s.r.o.

our services go well beyond photovoltaics

We are a leading energy company specializing in green energy (photovoltaic solutions). Our goal is to provide sustainable and innovative energy products that help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and protect the environment.

Professional approach

Professional installation

Customised solutions

High-quality components

Contact us for more information

Think with us about the future

+420 739 696 752



Frequently asked questions

How does PV work?

  • A household gets most of its energy from PV during the day 
  • The surplus is stored in the battery, which is activated in the evening and starts supplying the household with the accumulated energy from the day. 

Is PV with battery suitable for me?

This option is suitable if:

  • You produce more energy than you use and want to save it for later
  • You need to ensure the operation of selected electrical circuits during a power outage
  • You need to charge your electric car 

What's a Wp?

We calculate the output of photovoltaic panels in units of wattpeak (Wp) which indicates how many watts of electricity it produces when the sun is shining full on it.

What size of PV plant do I need?

We adjust the size of the photovoltaic system according to your house consumption.

Do you also deal with subsidies?

Yes, we handle the subsidies for your home photovoltaic power plant for you.

How much do you get?

  • Minimum installation of 2 kWp - 60 000 CZK 
  • Minimum installation of 2 kWp using a heat pump - 100 000 CZK 
  • For each additional 1 kWp of installed capacity - 10 000 CZK 
  • For 1 kWh of electricity. accumulation system - 10 000 CZK

    What if something goes wrong?

    In this case you send send us an email to servis@simbapower.cz within in which you describe the defects to us. We provide our own service team, who will call you within 24hrs. The service includes a personal inspection of the defects, taking the necessary measurements and proposing the elimination of the detected deviations and faults.

    Články: Fotovoltaika i dění u nás

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